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Горизонт событий


"Вселенная огромна,
и это ее свойство чрезвычайно действует на нервы, вследствие чего большинство людей, храня свой душевный покой, предпочитают не помнить о ее масштабах."

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Уровень манча приключения - 3.

- Кумельган (мастер мира, корпораты, Атейо);
- Kestrel (мастер мира, Хироси Юдзава, Сильванин, джаффа);
- SolStar (морпехи);
- Amanti (Аманти);
- Нэн'ира (Нэн'ира, Севин);
- Котхманчинкаллатот (Котхман);
- Unnamed (Дракова Стая, Пётр Гарин);
- Ганс (Азим Шак Тадар, Ин-Ша-Ри).

Атейо - вождь племени Оматикайя, внук Джейка Салли и Нейтири.
Сильванин - Цахик клана Оматикайя, внучка Джейка Салли и Нейтири.
Аманти - охотница. ВАКАНСИЯ
Нэн'ира - хранительница леса. ВАКАНСИЯ
Севин - на'вийка-одиночка без роду без племени, любящая человеческую музыку. ВАКАНСИЯ

Малкольм Грант - генеральный директор и крупнейший акционер ГрантКорпа. Изобретатель. Комиссар Комиссии по Межзвездной Коммерции, т.е. властелин мира.
Джейкоб Маслоу - операционный директор Тартарусского филиала ГрантКорпа. Типичный бюрократ и хозяйственник.
Хироси Юдзава - глава мелкой корпорации "Идзанаги".
Джеймс Кинчли - экскурсовод в Пандорском заповеднике.
Эрни Бигенс - пилот Пандорского заповедника.

Генерал-майор Клинт Гарроуэй - командующий Экспедиционным Корпусом.
Полковник Томас Рэмси - командующий эскадрой "Мстителей".
Полковник Джеймс Харрис - командующий ударным соединением.
Капитан первого ранга Митчелл Нолан - командующий флотом Корпуса.
Майор Грег Александер - командующий авиакрыла перехватчиков.
Капитан Томас К. Эллиот - командующий авиакрыла ударных истребителей.
Комендор-сержант Тревис Гарроуэй - и.о. командира Первой роты.
Сержант Анджелина О'Меара - боец Корпуса, Первая рота
Капрал Кэтлин Ранкс - боец Корпуса, Четвёртая рота.
Трейси Хэнсон - ксенобиолог, начальник исследовательской миссии.

Морпехи, попавшие на планету Чулак

Командир взвода - комендор-сержант Френк Камински. Выпилен Хищником.
И.О. командира взвода - капрал Кэтлин Ранкс.
Капрал Мигель Фишер Выпилен кулл-воином.
Младший капрал Билл Грант.
Младший капрал Брайан Мэйсон.
Рядовой первого класса Дэниэл Хейг.
Рядовой первого класса Айкен Хорн.
Рядовой первого класса Эрик Стэнли.
Рядовой первого класса Генри Милтон.
Рядовой первого класса Стивен Моррисон Выпилен кулл-воином.

Котхманчинкаллатот - паранид-попаданец из далекой-далекой галактики.
Азим Шак Тадар - еще один попаданец из другой далекой-далекой и крайне религиозной галактики, ведущий свою флотилию в гоа'улдский космос с целью покорения всех несогласных.
Ин-Ша-Ри - Индриния, баба-телепатка, прибывшая в составе флотилии Азима Шак Тадара.

Дракова Стая:
Пётр Гарин - формальный лидер Шабаша, гайвер, кровосос, трансгуманист и еще хрен знает кто такой. Пока что сидит в своем Золотом Городе и не выеживается.
Дрейк, он же Драк - Цимисхий, исследователь ксеноморфов, научный руководитель стаи и её формальный лидер при внешних контактах. Имеет достоинство "Кислотная кровь". Косплеит воина, подвид Raptus pandorus в Форме Ужаса и Raptus elephantinus в форме Врыколаса.
Дума - Гангрел, исследователь ксеноморфов, дуктус стаи. Косплеит преторианца, подвид Raptus caninus. Выпилен.
Зефон - Цимисхий, исследователь ксеноморфов, а также капитан "Ишимуры". Бывший священник стаи. Косплеит королеву ксеноморфов, подвид Raptus venatoris. Обычно сращен с биомассой, охватившей корабль, но может от неё отделяться.
Малахия - Самеди, исследователь некроморфов, священник стаи, трансгуманист и имморталист. Косплеит нечто среднее между брутом и хайвмайндом.
Рахаб - Носферату, исследователь ксеноморфов, океанолог. Косплеит крупного ксеноморфа неизвестного науке подвида, возможно происходящего от некоего морского млекопитющего.
Норберт - синтетик, созданный для проникновения в улей ксеноморфов, хакер и механик. Косплеит воина, подвид Raptus humanus.
Дарси Эддингтон - Дочь Какофонии, ксенолингвистка. Работает с Моцартом на корабле и является оператором Норберта в экспедициях, подсказывая ему с корабля правильные звуки и помогая расшифровывать то, что он слышит.
Томас Уивер, он же "Честный Томас" - потомок Тома Салли, носитель гена ТАД. Второй хакер в команде, оператор ксеноморфа-аватара. Единственный человек в этой команде монстров. Косплеит воина, подвид Raptus mysticus.
Гелпесс - бывший работник Кроноса, Потерянный Номер. Совершенный имитатор, способный копировать внешние признаки, голос и повадки любого существа любой расы. Косплеит всех подряд.
Моцарт - ксеноморф, выращенный Дарси в собственной грудной клетке, и таким образом загуленный ею ещё до рождения.
Белка и Стрелка - два ксеноморфа, выращенных Дрейком внутри загуленных собак. Подвид Raptus caninus.

Рахек - глава Верховного Совета. Выпилен посланником Анубиса.
Хорен - почтенный член Совета.
Айрин Инерра Хейль - член Совета, глава штаба Хак'тил (планеты женщин-джаффа).
Се'так - член Совета, мастер боевого посоха.
Дагбо - еще один член Совета. Выпилен посланником Анубиса.
Зенар - член Совета джаффа.
Нерек - член Совета джаффа.
Шетун Лхау - воительница с планеты женщин Хак'тил, ученица Се'така.
Арен - джаффа-воин, внук знаменитого Тил'ка.

Прекрасный землеподобный мир Пандора некогда был под угрозой варварского разграбления людьми, одинаково равнодушными к аборигенам планеты и ее удивительной биосфере. Аборигены на'ви, под руководством Джейка Салли, "предателя" из числа людей, в 2156 успешно сбросили корпоративное ярмо, выслали людей с Пандоры и уничтожили их колонию. Только затем, чтобы через десять лет корпорации вернулись, озлобленные и куда более жадные. Мир подчинен и медленно умирает - безжизненные пустоши на Пандоре уже норма. Внезапное прибытие армии людей из иного будущего сулит аборигенам новый шанс ... или же Пандора обречена увянуть в цепкой хватке хомо коммерциалис?




Первый мир с собственной биотой, встреченный людьми. Непригодная для масштабной колонизации, Пандора все же была и остается жемчужиной космоса, хотя и изрядно засаленной корпорациями. Анобтаний по-прежнему важен для людей, а Пандора обладает крупнейшими залежами элемента в близости от Земли (точнее, Земного торгового узла). Биота Пандоры высоко ценится Вейланд-Ютани и БиоНатом, и поставляет ряд пользующихся спросом биоактивных веществ на рынки колоний. Наконец, это один из двух миров (вторым является Артур), где люди встретили разумную жизнь.
После всем известных событий 2154 года на'ви примерно на 6 лет оставили в покое. RDA разорилось, и КМК было слишком занята ее разделыванием. Но потом встал вопрос "а как же дешевый анобтаний?"
ЦКК и Гипердайн предлагали орбитальную бомбардировку, полное истребление враждебной людям биоты (то есть вообще всего, что живо на Пандоре, по представлениям корпоративных чинуш) и терраформацию Пандоры. На'ви спасло яростное противодействие БиоНата, Вейланд-Ютани и ГрантКорпа, не терявших надежды использовать биоту Пандоры в своих лабораториях по полной программе.
Первый план включал в себя биологическую войну. Земная микробиота для пандорской безобидна из-за разницы в строении и биохимии, но подразделение биологического оружия Вейланд-Ютани потратило 3 года на исследование и творческую переработку микроскопической биоты Пандоры. "Вирусные бомбы" (на самом деле начиненные совсем не вирусами, но пресса любит громкие названия) существенно сократили численность "излишне агрессивного" аборигенного населения и молотом прошли по биосфере луны, ослабив ее достаточно, чтобы жадные корпоративники могли явиться во всеоружии и с удвоенным усердием и удесятеренной жадностью возобновить добыча анобтания.
Как ни странно, лет через 10 Пандора оклемалась и возобновила атаки на людей. На'ви тоже не остались в стороне, и действовали куда более безжалостно. Конечно, для людей не составило бы труда возвести принципиально неприступные для пандорцев крепости, но есть одна загвоздка - они стоят немало. А их поддержание в пригодном состоянии - еще больше. А хоть небольшое уменьшение прибыли от Пандоры приводило корпоративников в ярость.
Притом утвержденный на заседании КМК мораторий на масштабное истребление биоты Пандоры действовал. Корпоративники имели полное право выжечь все вокруг шахт и колоний, затравить химией даже микроскопическую пандорскую жизнь, но им запрещалось углубляться более, чем на 15 км от строго определенных территорий под добычу. На'ви, вестимо, ничем себя не сдерживали и саботировали деятельность небесного народа как могли.
В конце концов, мораторий всем надоел, и его пересмотрели. Корпоративникам дали более широкие права на "приведение в порядок" местной биоты и, хотя корпораты все еще не могли сунуться дальше резерваций под добычу, пускай и существенно увеличенных (50 000 км^2), у Братства Нод созрел коварный план.
Предлагалось покинуть разбросанные по планете небольшие участки под добычу, и сконцентрироваться на одной крупнейшей залежи (названной "жила Кворича" в честь понятно кого). А там установить ноддический атмосферный процессор на малой мощности. После провальной демонстрации первого ноддического процессора, пока что никто не желал повторения концерта, и план отвергали еще около 10 лет.
Но в 2183 на'ви так достали корпоратов, что план приняли. И зона в 50 000 км^2 вокруг атмосферного процессора рядом с жилой Кворича вымерла - пандорские животные не переносили земную атмосферу, растения и микрожизнь же вытравили. Грязно-желтое пустынное пятно видно даже из космоса, шрам на поверхности планеты. По мере удаления от процессора, атмосфера была все менее и менее похожа на земную и, в конце концов, вычислив границу, где она становится нестерпимой для на'ви, земляне установили там заграждения из минных полей и автоматических турелей и 50 лет беспрепятственно высасывали все соки из Кворичленда.
Пока не высосали. Нет больше жилы Кворича, только карьеры и глубинные шахты под ними, заполненные мертвыми водами. Все, кончился анобтаний. Кончились вообще любые полезные ископаемые в пустыне Кворичленда.
А значит, их надо будет добывать в ином месте. Причем место уже наметили - на территории, где Кворич 76 лет назад уничтожил дом клана Оматикая. Через несколько месяцев разборка атмосферного процессора завершится и, если ничто не помешает корпоратам, Пандора обзаведется второй пустыней.
Для землян все нормально. Большинство считает что, выжав максимум из пандорской биосферы, планету терраформируют. На'ви уже давно никому не жалко, да и не было особо - люди не жалели и своих примитивных собратьев, что им чужаки. А богатства Пандоры-2 на том конце сектора Бородино заменят Пандору-1.

Пандора также является популярной охотничьей площадкой яутжа. Сами на'ви хищникам зачастую безынтересны ввиду низкого уровня технологического развития и относительной безобидности для монстра оборудованного ультратехом, хотя всадники на баньши могут пробудить интерес у редкого охотника. Более всего ценятся черепа танаторов и баньши, череп леоноптерикса (убитого нагинатой или хотя бы диском, иначе не по-охотничьи) считается особым шиком, свидетельствующим о редкой отмороженности охотника (а быть бесстрашным отморозком в обществе яутжа почетно).
На планете установили несколько анклавов по выращиванию пандорских ксеноморфов, но Старейшины приказали законсервировать их в связи с экспансией людей - более предпочтительной добычи чем даже ксеноморфы родом из на'ви и танаторов. Королев заморозили, пирамиды погрузились под землю.



Статистика квеста "Чужая война":

- 1 убитый морпех-командир (Камински).
- 1 убитый хищник.
- 2 убитых члена Совета джаффа (Рахек, Дагбо).
- 24 убитых джаффа в битве с кулл-воинами.
- 2 убитых морпеха в той же битве.
- 6 убитых кулл-воинов.
- 1 пойманный засланец Анубиса.
- 1 уничтоженный кристалл Звездных Врат.
- разлад в Совете джаффа.
- понижение Се'така в должности.
- недоверие к землянам.
- деморализация джаффа Чулака.



Список значимой космической и аэрокосмической техники Корпуса

"Прометей". Класс - линейный корабль. Местонахождение: Окрестности планеты Чулак.
"Южная Калифорния". Класс - линейный крейсер. Местонахождение: Система Тартаруса.
"Антарес". Класс - тяжёлый авианесущий крейсер. Местонахождение: Гиперпространство 
"Алголь". Класс - тяжёлый авианесущий крейсер. Местонахождение: Гиперпространство 
"Регул". Класс - тяжёлый авианесущий крейсер. Местонахождение: Гиперпространство
"Грей". Класс - фрегат. Местонахождение: орбитальное пространство Пандоры
"Робертс". Класс - фрегат. Местонахождение: орбитальное пространство Пандоры
"Раджпут". Класс - фрегат. Местонахождение: орбитальное пространство Пандоры
"Бернхэм". Класс - фрегат. Местонахождение: Система Тартаруса
"Гуиянь". Класс - фрегат. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Ченгду". Класс - фрегат. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Слава". Класс - эсминец. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Спруанс". Класс - эсминец. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Сун-Шинь-Линь". Класс - эсминец. Местонахождение:Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Фаррагат". Класс - эсминец. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Звёздный огонь 1-4". Класс - лёгкий крейсер. Местонахождение: Дальние границы системы Альфа Центавра
"Шенандоа". Класс - межзвёздный транспорт. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Аркадия". Класс - межзвёздный транспорт. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Крым". Класс - межзвёздный транспорт. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Хонгой". Класс - межзвёздный транспорт. Местонахождение: Четвёртая L-точка Полифема
"Гендерсон". Класс - Командный траспорт частей морской пехоты. Местонахождение: Орбитальное пространство Пандоры, стационарная орбита над базой.
"Лежен". Класс - Командный траспорт частей морской пехоты. Местонахождение: Орбитальное пространство Пандоры, стационарная орбита над базой.

"Небесный Дракон". Класс - ударный истребитель. Общее количество - 478. Местонахождение: 14 - Система Тартаруса. 192 - Окрестности планеты Чулак. 192 - Гиперпространство. 80 - Система Пандоры.
"Звёздный Ястреб". Класс - истребитель-перехватчик. Общее количество - 496. Местонахождение: 32 - Система Тартаруса. 384 - Окрестности планеты Чулак. 80 - Система Пандоры.

Отредактировано SolStar (2015-01-18 01:58:42)



Хронология событий в клане Оматикайя (на'ви) - в пересчете на время Земли:

2154 год - восстание Джейка Салли.
2155 год - рождение первых двух детей Салли и Нейтири (на настоящий момент уже умерли).
2180 год - рождение внуков Салли и Нейтири (внукам сейчас около 50 земных лет, это вождь клана Атейо и Цахик Сильванин).
2184 год - смерть Джейка Салли.
2186 год - смерть Нейтири.
Средняя продолжительность жизни среди на'ви - 65 земных лет.



Список песен, представленных в восьмом эпизоде:


1. Radioactive


I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals
I'm breaking in and shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus
This is it the apocalypse

I'm waking up
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
I'm radioactive
I'm radioactive

I raise my flag and don my clothes
It's a revolution I suppose
We're painted red to fit right in
I'm breaking in and shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
I'm radioactive
I'm radioactive

All systems go
Sun hasn't died
Deep in my bones
Straight from inside

I'm waking up
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
I'm radioactive
I'm radioactive

2. Daft Punk.

Очень Длинный Текст

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail – upgrade it,
Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick – erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick – rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip – unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam – unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch – update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax – rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it.

One more time
Ah ah ah ah aaah
Ah ah ah ah
One more time
Ah ah ah ah aaah
Ah ah ah ah

Like the legend of the phoenix (Yeah)
All ends with beginnings (Ohhh)
What keeps the planets spinning (Ahhh)
The force from the beginning (Oooooo)

We've come too far,
To give up who we are
So let's raise the bar
And our cups to the stars

We're up all night till the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're all up night till the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night – all night to get – up all night to get, get, get lucky

Last night I had this dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
There's nothing wrong with just a little bit of fun
We were dancing all night long

Oh, I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
I hope this dream comes true

One more time (Hey)
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebra-a-a-a-a-ate

Work it harder, make it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger
More than ever hour after
Our work is never over

Work it harder, make it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger
More than ever hour after
Our work is never over

I'm a work it harder, make it bett-
Do it faster, makes us
More than ever hou-hour after
Ou-our work is never over

Work it harder, make it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger
More than ever hour after
Our work is never over

Television rules the nation, oh yeah
Television rules the nation

Music's got me feeling so free
Celebrate and dance so free
One more time
Music's got me feeling so free
We're gonna celebrate
Celebrate and dance so free

Hey, just feelin
(Come too far)
Music's got me feeling the need
(To give up who we are)
One more time
Music's got me feeling so free
(So let's)
We're gonna celebrate
(Raise the bar)
Celebrate and dance–
(And our cups–)
To the stars

We're up all night till the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night till the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up for-

One more night
We're up all night till the sun
(Hey) Celebration
Feelings so free

One more time
We're up all night till the sun
(Hey) Celebration
Music's got me feeling so –
Our work is never over

3. Love again


Taste the pain right on my tongue
Novocaine to make me numb
Don't you worry 'cause the night is young
Dance until the morning sun
Morning sun
Morning sun
Morning, morning, morning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning

I am at a loss for words
Can't believe I let you pull me down to this place
You stole my heart and soul
Just to think that I had dried those tears from your face
I've played such a foolish game
Feeling you were everything to me and more
I don't mean to point the blame
But baby you have hurt me to my very core

You don't know why
You don't know how
You don't know when to love again
You let me in then shut me out
You have to learn to love again

Learn to love again

Take me away from here
To a place where my feelings don't go to waste
We were in the atmosphere
Flying high above the stars that shone in your face

So I'm running running baby from this hurting that you've given me
All through the night
Are we dancin' baby dancin' so your pretty face is hard to see
Tonight, tonight, tonight (Dancin' through the night)

You don't know why
You don't know how
You don't know when to love again
You let me in then shut me out
You have to learn to love again

Imma teach you how to love
Imma teach you
Imma teach you how to love
Imma teach you

Learn to love again (Imma teach you how to love)
Learn to love again (Imma teach you)
Learn to love again, love again, love again (Imma teach you to love)

Taste the pain right on my tongue
Novocaine to make me numb
Don't you worry 'cause the night is young
Dance until the morning sun

Taste the pain right on my tongue (You don't know why, you don't know how)
Novocaine to make me numb (You don't know when to love again)
Don't you worry 'cause the night is young (You let me in then shut me out)
Dance until the morning sun (You have to learn to love again)
Morning sun (Love again)
Morning sun (Love again)
Morning, morning sun (Love, love again)

Imma teach you how to love

You don't know why
You don't know how
You don't know when to love again
You let me in then shut me out
You have to learn to love again

4. Little drummer boy

Короткий Текст, Который Не Столь Важен

Come they told me pa-rum pum pum pum
Our newborn King to see pa-rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring pa-rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King pa-rum pum pum pum
Rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum
So to honor Him pa-rum pum pum pum
When we come

I have no gift to bring pa-rum pum pum pum
That's fit to give our King pa-rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for Him pa-rum pum pum pum
I played my best for Him pa-rum pum pum pum
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
Then He smiled at me pa-rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum

5. Rather be


[Verse 1:]
We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be
I would wait forever, exalted in the scene
As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat

With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same, gave you another name
Switch up the batteries

If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be
N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be [3x]

[Verse 2:]
We staked out on a mission to find our inner peace
Make it everlasting so nothing's incomplete
It's easy being with you, sacred simplicity
As long as we're together, there's no place I'd rather be



When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be

Hmmmmmmmmmm, hoooooooooo
Be [9x]
Yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah, yeah, yeah


When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be


1. Starset - My Demons


Mayday, Mayday
The ship is slowly sinking
They think I'm crazy
But they don't know the feeling.
They're all around me,
Circling like vultures
They wanna break me
And wash away my colors.
Wash away my colors!

Take me high and I'll sing
Oh you make everything OK.
We are one in the same
Oh you take all of the pain away.
Safe me if I become
My demons.

I cannot stop this sickness taking over
It takes control and drags me into nowhere
I need you help I can't fight this forever.
I know you're watching,
I can feel you out there

Take me high and I'll sing
Oh you make everything OK.
We are one in the same
Oh you take all of the pain away.
Safe me if I become
My demons.

Take me over the walls below.
Fly forever.
Don't let me go.
I need a savior to heal my pain
When I become my worst enemy
The enemy.

Take me high and I'll sing
Oh you make everything OK.
We are one in the same
Oh you take all of the pain away.
Safe me if I become
My demons.

2. Point of no Return


There's a memory of how we used to be
That I can see through the flames
I am hypnotized as I fantasize
Forgetting lies and pain
But I can't go back

The ashes call my name

Pouring the fuel,
Fanning the flames
Breaking the habit
And melting the chains
Embracing the fear,
Chasing the fight
The glow of the fire will light up the night
The bridges are burning,
The heat's on my face
Making the past an unreachable place
Pouring the fuel,
Fanning the flames
I know, this is the point of no return

It's uncontrollable
Such a beautiful desire
There's something sinister about the way it hurts
When I watch it burn
Because I can't go back

The ashes call my name

Pouring the fuel,
Fanning the flames
Breaking the habit
And melting the chains
Embracing the fear,
Chasing the fight
The glow of the fire will light up the night
The bridges are burning,
The heat's on my face
Making the past an unreachable place
Pouring the fuel,
Fanning the flames
I know, this is the point of no return

I won't turn around

Pouring the fuel,
Fanning the flames
Breaking the habit
And melting the chains
Embracing the fear,
Chasing the fight
The glow of the fire will light up the night
The bridges are burning,
The heat's on my face
Making the past an unreachable place
Pouring the fuel,
Fanning the flames
I know, this is the point of no return

3. Down With the Fallen


Tired eyes bareiy open
Crippled by a promise broken
I have seen an empire falling
Hopeless, can you hear me calling?

Turn away from all that I know
Burning this bridge behind me
Light the way and I'll follow
Where you go

Can you tell me what is real?
Cause I've lost my way again
Can you tell me how to feel?
Cause I don't feel anything
Now that I'm down here again
I'm down with the fallen again

Searching through the darkness below
For a light in seas of shadows.
Far from you, but I could never
Abdicate, I'll fight forever

Turn away from all that I know
Burning this bridge behind me
Light the way and I'll follow
Where you go

Can you tell me what is real?
Cause I've lost my way again
Can you tell me how to feel?
Cause I don't feel anything
Now that I'm down here again
I'm down with the fallen again

I will not run
I will not fall
I will not bury it
This is war!

Tell me what is real
Cause I've lost my way again
Can you tell me how to feel?
Cause I don't feel anything
Now that I'm down here again

Tell me what is real
Cause I've lost my way again
Can you tell me how to feel?
Cause I don't feel anything
Now that I'm down here again
I'm down with the fallen again

4. Telescope


I hear you calling from behind the star fields
I feel you
Radiating energy like eternal northern lights

Far from the sun
Where no one knows
I've watched you from
My telescope

I will travel the distance in your eyes
Interstellar light years from you
Supernova: we'll fuse when we collide
Awaking in the light of all the stars aligned

I see you
Washing over me across the sky
Projected on my eyes eternally
I find you in the night

Far from the sun
Where no one knows
I've watched you from
My telescope

I will travel the distance in your eyes
Interstellar light years from you
Supernova: we'll fuse when we collide
Awaking in the light of all the stars aligned

I will find you


You're out there,
I hear you calling
From behind the star fields.
I feel you, radiating energy
Like eternal northern lights.

Far from the sun,
Where no one knows,
I've watched you from
My telescope.

I will travel the distance in your eyes,
Interstellar light years from you.
Supernova*: we'll fuse when we collide
Awaking in the light
Of all the stars aligned.

I see you
Washing over me across the sky,
Projected on my eyes eternally,
I find you in the night.

Far from the sun,
Where no one knows,
I've watched you from
My telescope.

I will travel the distance in your eyes,
Interstellar light years from you.
Supernova: we'll fuse when we collide
Awaking in the light
Of all the stars aligned,

I will find you.

5. Halo


I can see you running
Every night from the same darkness
It's coming, coming
But you are not alone
If you just say the word
I'll be there by your side
You make me more
You make me superhuman
And if you need me to
I will save you

Send out the signal
And I'll fly low
If it means the death of me,
I won't let go
And if I'm lost in the world's shadows
I'll use the light that comes to me
From your halo

When you're backed against the wall
I could be the one
Who's always there to break your fall
You are not alone
You're the sun, you're the day
The light that guides me through
Never run, run away
I will save you

Send out the signal
And I'll fly low
If it means the death of me,
I won't let go
And if I'm lost in the world's shadows
I'll use the light that comes to me
From your halo

And if I'm lost in the world's shadows
I'll use the light that comes to me
From your halo

I won't let go

And if I'm lost in the world's shadows
I'll use the light that comes to me
From your halo

6. Antigravity


The more I fight, the more I work
The more I dig into the dirt
To be fed up, to be let down
To somehow turn it all around
But then fate knocks me to my knees
And sets new heights beyond my reach
Below the earth, below concrete,
The whole world shackled to my feet

Then it falls away - into the great escape
Over walls and weights
This antigravity taking over me

And far below, the carnivores,
Are looking up to where I soar.
Above the clouds, above the storm
Above the earth I am transformed
The energy has set me free
And pulled me through the galaxy
I've risen up beyond the sky
I am awake, I am alive

As it falls away - into the great escape
Over walls and weights
This antigravity
Let it fly through the universe
Into the outer space
Over walls and weights
This antigravity taking over me

(I won't come down)

If you wanna break free,
You know where to find me

Then it falls away - into the great escape
Over walls and weights
This antigravity
Let it fly through the universe
Into the outer space
Over walls and weights
This antigravity taking over me

If you wanna break free,
You know where to find me

Antigravity! [x3]

7. Rise and Fall


Watch them all lie down
Watch the eyeless gain control
They could never blind me

I clench the fist
And overtake it all
I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall
When I attack I'm taking all
Taking it all, rise and fall

One more fits inside the mold
One last chance to break the hold

I clench the fist
And overtake it all
I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall
When I attack I'm taking all
Taking it all, rise and fall!

I clench the fist
And overtake it all
I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall
When I attack I'm taking all
Taking it all, rise and fall

Rise And Fall

Watch them all lie down
Watch the eyeless gain control
They could never blind me

I clench the fist
And overtake it all
I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall
When I attack I'm taking all

Taking it all
Rise and fall

One more fits inside the mold
One last chance to break the hold

I clench the fist
And overtake it all
I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall
When I attack I'm taking all

Taking it all
Rise and fall!

I clench the fist
And overtake it all
I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall
When I attack I'm taking all

Taking it all
Rise and fall

8. The Future is Now


They said there was no way
But they forgot the black hole in the sky
Yesterday is nothing
I have half a life to rewrite
Flying into this future
I will let the science bring the change
This will be the final cure
I am gonna take the past away

With the full force
Of a dying star
I will find you
If you're near or far
Wherever you are

Floating through forever
I am stealing the energy
Endlessly endeavor
This is finding infinity
I'm falling through a dark sunrise
I will escape the entropy
And find a way to leave this time
I will bring you back to me

With the full force
Of a dying star
I will find you
If you're near or far
Wherever you are

9. Carnivore


All my life they let me know
How far I would not go
But inside the beast still grows
Chewing through the ropes

Who are you to change this world?
Silly Boy!
No one needs to hear your words.
Let it go.

Carnivore! Carnivore!
Won’t you come digest me?
Take away everything I am.
Bring it to an end.
Carnivore! Carnivore!
Could you come and change me?
Take away everything I am.
Everything I am.

I will hide myself below
I’ll be what you wanted
Kept inside I won’t let go
‘Till I burn beyond control

Who are you to change this world?
Silly Boy!
No one needs to hear your words.
Let it go.

Carnivore! Carnivore!
Won’t you come digest me?
Take away everything I am.
Bring it to an end.
Make me fall. Make me bleed.
Go ahead and change me?
Take away everything I am.
Everything I am.

Never enough
(Who I am is not good enough)
Never enough
(Who I am)

Carnivore! Carnivore!
Won’t you come digest me?
Take away everything I am.
Bring it to an end.
Carnivore! Carnivore!
Could you come and change me?
Take away everything I am.
Everything I am

10.It Has Begun


Even a well lit place can hide salvation
A map to a one man maze that never sees the sun
Where the lost are the heroes
And the thieves are left to drown
But everyone knows by now,
Fairytales are not found
They're written in the walls
As we walk in a straight line
Down in the dirt with a landslide approaching

But nothing could ever stop us
From stealing our own place in the sun
We will face the odds against us
And run into the fear we run from
It has begun

Into the dark below,
Evading shadows
Blind in a rabbit's hole,
We fall beneath the earth
And watch the shell come unraveled
As the seed begins to rise
Embracing a starlit fate
As we wait in the night
It's written in the walls
As we walk in a straight line
Down in the dirt with a landslide approaching

But nothing could ever stop us
From stealing our own place in the sun
We will face the odds against us
And run into the fear we run from
It has begun

11. Monster


Under the knife I surrendered
The innocence yours to consume
You cut it away
And you filled me up with hate
Into the silence you sent me
Into the fire consumed
You thought I'd forget
But it's always in my head

You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
From the monster you made me

This is the world you've created
The product of what I've become
My soul and my youth
Seems it's all for you to use
If I could take back the moment
I'd let you get under my skin
Relent or resist?
Seems the monster always wins

You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
From the monster you made me

My heart's an artifice
A decoy soul
I'll lift you up and then I'll let you go
I've made an art of digging shallow holes
I'll drop the darkness in and watch it grow
My heart's an artifice
A decoy soul
Who knew the emptiness could be so cold
I've lost the parts of me that make me whole
I am the darkness
I'm the monster

You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
From the monster you made me

Thousand Foot Krutch

1. War of change


It's a truth that in love and war
Worlds collide and hearts get broken,
I want to live like I know I'm dying.
Take up my cross,
Not be afraid.

Is it true what they say
That words are weapons?
And if it is, then everybody'd best stop steppin'
'Cause I got ten in my pocket
That'll bend ya locket.
I'm tired of all these rockers saying "Come with me!"

It's just about to break, it's more than I can take,
Everything's about to change.
I feel it in my veins, it's not going away,
Everything about to change.

It creeps in like a thief in the night,
Without a sign, without a warning
But we are ready and prepared to fight,
Raise up your swords,
Don't be afraid!

Is it true what they say
That words are weapons?
And if it is, then everybody'd best stop steppin'
'Cause I got ten in my pocket
That'll bend ya locket,
I'm tired of all these rockers saying "Come with me!"

It's just about to break, it's more than I can take,
Everything's about to change.
I feel it in my veins, it's not going away,
Everything about to change.

This is a warning, like it or not.
I break down like a record spinning, gotta get up!
So back off!
This is a warning, like it or not.
I'm tired of listenin', I'm warning you, don't try to get up!

There's a war going on inside of me tonight
(Don't be afraid),
There's a war going on inside of me tonight
(Don't be afraid).

It's just about to break, it's more than I can take,
Everything's about to change.
I feel it in my veins, it's not going away,
Everything about to change. [x2]

2. Courtsey Call


Там видос со словами, поэтому Ы.

3. Move


Look, listen to my voice,
If you're making the choice
Tell to all the girls and the boys
Either scream or rejoice.
Let's make that noise,
Either move or we will all be destroyed.

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do.
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it.

Can you hear me?
Stop, look, listen to my voice.
It was never my choice to feel all alone,
This is my home.
Back up, you don't know if you've never been here,
You've never been to the place inside.
I face my fears,
It takes everything I am.

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do.
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it. [2x]

If you come near me,
Stop, look, listen to my voice.
If you're making the choice
Tell all the girls and the boys
Either scream or rejoice.
Let's make that noise,
Either move or we will all be destroyed.
Back up and let's go if you've never been here,
You've never been to the place inside.
I face my fears,
It takes everything I am.

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do.
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it.

I come crashing to the floor,
And I know there must be more like me.
I've seen this all before,
I can't carry this anymore.
Break free, breathe and leave until the storm is over
'Cause underneath there's a diamond passing over.
So breath, let's leave until the storm is over,
Because I want to take you away.

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do.
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it. [x4]

4. Take It Out On Me


I don't know
I don't know
I don't know anymore
Thought I had
Thought I had it under control

Hear my voice there it goes
Hear it louder than most
Here it goes Here it goes
(1 2 3 4)

It's not worth it
It's not workin'
you wanted it to be picture perfect
It's not over, you don't have to throw it away.

So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Run if you need to snap if you have to
Get control (take it out on me)
So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Run if you need to snap if you have to
Get control

You try to move, try to move
but you don't wanna lose
So afraid, so afraid
You don't want it to fade

Hear my voice, there it goes
Hear it louder than most
Let it go, let it (1 2 3 4)



1 2 3 4


[Chorus x2]

5. Phenomenon


If you're like us calling all riders, roll up beside us, no place to hide us,
All freedom fighters, let's unite us, switch on your nitrous and...let's.. go!
Destination for navigation, man up ya stations,
Feel the sensation surround invasion,
With communication, move quick, we might avoid contamination

Down here comes the sound, everyone pound your feet to this phenomenon,
Now let's make it loud, let's show 'em all how you move to this phenomenon
Roll! Open your soul, maybe lose control inside of this phenomenon,
Just let yourself go,
And let everyone know you move to this phenomenon

Don't let these spiders crawl up beside us, they want to bite us, inject the virus
Raise up the lighters, praise to the righteous,
We need to guide us, get...prepared..to.. go!
If you are like us, calling all riders, roll up beside is, no place to hide us,
All freedom fighters, let's unite us, switch on your nitrous..and.. let's.. go!

Down here comes the sound, everyone pound your feet to this phenomenon,
Now let's make it loud, let's show 'em all how you move to this phenomenon
Roll! Open your soul, maybe lose control inside of this phenomenon,
Just let yourself go,
And let everyone know you move to this phenomenon

Can't take it anymore, shake until we move the floor,
What are we waiting for? Let's go!
I'm tired of being ordinary, don't care if there's people staring,
I'll rely on your strength to carry me on.
I'm not invisible like you, next time things get a little messed up,
I'll shine but I'll never see through.
I'm fine just tryin to wake the rest up

Down here comes the sound, everyone pound your feet to this phenomenon,
Now let's make it loud, let's show 'em all how you move to this phenomenon
Roll! Open your soul, maybe lose control inside of this phenomenon,
Just let yourself go,
And let everyone know you move to this phenomenon

6. Shook


I feel shook
Everytime I close my eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of my mind
It's a place where memories hide and my thoughts combine
I see places and thousands of faces all at the same time

Now look
Everybody close your eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of your mind
And now run into the place you're afraid to climb
That's where you'll find me
You'll always be two steps behind me

Outside these streets are cold as ice
Never thought I'd have the chance to come alive again
See through your eyes again (it takes me away)
And I'm now waiting in my life
Like I did when I stand under your sky again
Try again

I feel shook
Everytime I close my eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of my mind
It's a place where memories hide and my thoughts combine
I see places and thousands of faces all at the same time

Now look
Everybody close your eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of your mind
And now run into the place you're afraid to climb
That's where you'll find me
You'll always be two steps behind me

Unwind, it gets tangled up in time
When it hits like a train running through my mind again
I can hear those lines again (it takes me away)
And I've never fallen in my life
Like I did when I fell into your arms again
Sell me your lies again

I feel shook
Everytime I close my eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of my mind
It's a place where memories hide and my thoughts combine
I see places and thousands of faces all at the same time

Now look
Everybody close your eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of your mind
And now run into the place you're afraid to climb
That's where you'll find me
You'll always be two steps behind me

I can see things clearer this time
It won't be long now till everything's all right
Take my hand and let's walk into the light
I'm not dying here tonight we will survive

I feel shook
Everytime I close my eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of my mind
It's a place where memories hide and my thoughts combine
I see places and thousands of faces all at the same time

Now look
Everybody close your eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of your mind
And now run into the place you're afraid to climb
That's where you'll find me
You'll always be two steps behind me

Everytime I close my eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of my mind
It's a place where memories hide and my thoughts combine
I see places and thousands of faces all at the same time

Now look
Everybody close your eyes and travel
Into the place in the back of your mind
And now run into the place you're afraid to climb
That's where you'll find me
You'll always be two steps behind me

7. Fly On the Wall


The other night
I had a dream
There was a world full of kings and queens
But it was cold
Dark as the night
We were the fire on the moonlit skies

We weren't divided
We were the same
And we were free
But we all wore chains
We couldn't see it
But we created
A place between truth and overrated

If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened,
I haven't seen you before?

I'm on the run from a thief
I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout:

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it!

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe

We had a plan to build a wall
A great divide that would never fall
To separate us
From all the pain
And keep our skeletons locked away

And brick by brick
We built it so thick
That it blacked out the sky and all the sunlight
And one by one
We all became numb
We were making the bullets to a broken gun

If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened
And I haven't seen you before?

I'm on the run from a thief
I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout:

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it!

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe...

8. We Are


I think I'm ready
I think I've got it
'Cause toо much thinking is bad for my health
It's like a fire 'cause when I start it
I can't control it and I burn myself
But I can't just sit here and watch it
If we don't stop it no one will

We are the ones, we are the guns
And we will ride, we are the voice of a song unsung
We are the change, we are the chains that hold us
We are the choice, we are the strong
We are one

My heart is racing just like a rocket
Victory looks like a distant dream
'Cause what we're fighting is not gonna stop it
But we can beat it if we just believe
I can't just sit here and watch it
If we don't stop it no one will

We are the ones, we are the guns
And we will ride, we are the voice of a song unsung
We are the change, we are the chains that hold us
We are the choice, we are the strong
We are one

We are the ones, we are the guns
and we will ride, we are the voice of a song unsung
We are the change, we are the chance that hold us
We are the choice, we are the strong
We are one

We are the ones. we are the guns, we are...
We are the change, we are the chance we are...

But I can't just sit here and watch it
If we don't stop it no one will

We are the ones, we are the guns
and we will ride, we are the voice of a song unsung
We are the change, we are the chains that hold us
We are the choice, we are the strong
We are one

We are the ones, we are the guns
and we will ride, we are the voice of a song unsung
We are the change, we are the chains that hold us
We are the choice, we are the strong
We are one


1. Hero


I'm just a step away
I'm a just a breath away
Losin my faith today
(JEN: Fallin off the edge today)

I am just a man
Not superhuman
(JEN: i'm not superhuman)
Someone save me from the hate

It's just another war
Just another family torn
(JEN: Falling from my faith today)
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live

I need a Hero to save me now
I need a Hero
(JEN: Save me now)
I need a Hero to save my life
A Hero'll save me
(JEN: Just in time)

I gotta fight today
To live another day
Speakin my mind today
(JEN: My voice will be heard today)

I've gotta make a stand
But i am just a man
(JEN: I'm not superhuman)
My voice will be heard today

It's just another war
Just another family torn
(JEN: My voice will be heard today)
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves

I need a Hero to save me now
I need a Hero
(JEN: Save me now)
I need a Hero to save my life
A Hero'll save me
(JEN: Just in time)

I need a Hero to save my life
I need a Hero just in time
Save me just in time
Save me just in time

Who's gonna fight for what's right
Who's gonna help us survive
We're in the fight of our lives
(JEN: And we're not ready to die)

Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I've got a Hero
(JEN: I've got a Hero)
Livin in me

I'm gonna fight for whats right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
(JEN: I will be ready to die)

A Hero's not afraid to give his life
A Hero's gonna save me just in time

2. Rise


All I see is shattered pieces,
I can't keep it hidden like a secret,
I can't look away
From all this pain in the world we've made.

Every day you need a bulletproof vest
To save yourself from what you could never guess
Am I safe today,
When I step outside in the wars we wage?

Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown...

Sound it off, this is our call:
Rise and revolution!
It's our time to change it all:
Rise and revolution!

Unite and fight
To make a better life!
Everybody, one for all!
Sound off, this is the call:

Tonight we rise!
Tonight we rise!

Tonight we rise!

Like a hand grenade thrown in a hurricane,
Spinning in chaos, trying to escape the flame.
Yesterday is gone
Faster than the blast of a car bomb.

And when the scars heal, the pain passes
As hope burns, we rise from the ashes.
Darkness fades away,
And the light shines on a brave new day.

Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown...

Sound it off, this is our call:
Rise and revolution!
It's our time to change it all:
Rise and revolution!

Unite and fight
To make a better life!
Everybody, one for all!
Sound off, this is the call:

Tonight we rise!
Tonight we rise!

Tonight we rise!

In a world gone mad (in a voice so sad)
Sometimes it's crazy (crazy)
To fight for what you believe
But you can't give up (No)
If you want to keep what you love... (Keep what you love)
Keep what you love... (Keep what you love)
Keep what you love...
Never give up! No!

Rise! Rise and revolution!
Rise! Rise and revolution!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call:

Rise! Like we're alive!
Tonight we rise!
Rise! Make a better life!
Tonight we rise!


Rise! Rise!
Rise and revolution!
Rise! Rise!
Rise and revolution!


3. Monster


The secret side of me,
I never let you see.
I keep it caged but I can’t control it.
So stay away from me: the beast is ugly.
I feel the rage and I just can’t hold it.

It’s scratchin on the walls
In the closet, in the halls.
It comes awake and I can’t control it.
Hidin under the bed
In my body, in my head.
Why won’t somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I’ve become.
The nightmare’s just begun.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster.
I, I feel like a monster.

My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key.
I keep it caged but I can’t control it.
Cause if I let him out
He’ll tear me up, break me down.
Why won’t somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I’ve become.
The nightmare’s just begun.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

It’s hidin in the dark.
Its teeth are razor sharp.
There’s no escape for me.
It wants my soul, it wants my heart

No one can hear me scream.
Maybe it’s just a dream
Or maybe it’s inside of me.
Stop this monster!

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I’ve become.
The nightmare’s just begun.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I gotta lose control.
It’s something ready go.
I must confess that I feel like a monster!

I, I feel like a monster!
I, I feel like a monster!
I, I feel like a monster!
I, I feel like a monster!

4. Awake


I'm at war with the world and they
Try to pull me into the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms

It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
here, right now
I'll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

I'm at war with the world cause I
Ain't never gonna sell my soul
I've already made up my mind
No matter what I can't be bought or sold

When my faith is getting weak
And I feel like giving in
You breathe into me again

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
here, right now
I'll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

Waking up [8x]

In the dark
I can feel you in my sleep
In your arms I feel you breathe into me
Forever hold this heart that I will give to you
Forever I will live for you

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
here, right now
I'll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

Waking up [8x]

5. It's not me it's you


Let's get the story straight
You were a poison
You flooded through my veins
You left me broken
You tried to make me think
That the blame was all on me
With the pain you put me through
And now I know that it's not me it's you

It's not me it's you
Always has been you
All the lies and stupid things you say and do
It's you
It's not me it's you
All the lies and pain you put me through
I know that it's not me it's you


It's not me it's you, you

So here we go again
The same fight we're always in
I don't care so why pretend
Wake me when your lecture ends
You tried to make me small
Make me fall and it's all your fault
With the pain you put me through
And now I know that it's not me it's you

Let's get the story straight
You were a poison
Flooding through my veins
Driving me insane
And now you're gone away
I'm no longer choking
From the pain you put me through
And now I know that it's not me it's you

6. Whispers in the dark


Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

You feel so lonely and ragged
You lay there broken and naked
My love is just waiting
To clothe you in crimson roses

I will be the one that's gonna find you
I will be the one that's gonna guide you
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark

Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

7 Not gonna die


Death surrounds
My heartbeat's slowing down
I won't take this world's abuse
I won't give up or refuse

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken
This is how it feels when you're dignity's stolen
When everything you love is leaving
You hold on to what you believe in

The last thing I heard was you whispering goodbye
And then I heard you flatline

[Chorus (John and Jen):]
No! Not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna stand and fight forever!
(don't close your eyes)
No! Not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together!
No we're not gonna die tonight!

Break their hold
'Cause I won't be controlled
They can't keep their chains on me
When the truth has set me free

This is how it feels when you take your life back
This is how it feels when you finally fight back
When life pushes me, I push harder
What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger

The last thing I heard was you whispering goodbye
And then I heard you flatline

[Chorus (John and Jen):]
No! Not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna stand and fight forever!
(don't close your eyes)
No! Not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together!
No we're not gonna die tonight!

Don't you give up on me
You're everything I need

[John and Jen:]
This is how it feels when you take your life back
This is how it feels when you fight back

[Chorus (John and Jen):]
No! Not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna stand and fight forever!
(don't close your eyes)
No! Not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together!
No we're not gonna die tonight!

[John and Jen:]
No we're not gonna die tonight!
Not gonna die! (Not gonna die)!
Not gonna die! (Not gonna die)!
Not gonna die tonight!

8. Back from the Dead



[Verse 1:]
Cold and black inside this coffin
‘Cause you all try to keep me down.
How it feels to be forgotten?
But you'll never forget me now!
Enemies clawing at my eyes,
I scratch and bleed, just to stay alive, yeah!
The zombies come out at night,
They'll never catch me,
They'll never catch me.

Light it up, light it up, now I'm burning,
Feel the rush, feel the rush of adrenaline,
We are young, we are strong, we will rise
‘Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight!
To the floor, to the floor, hit the red line,
Flying high, flying high at the speed of light,
Full of love, full of light, full of fight
‘Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight!


[Verse 2:]
Break the skin, spread like poison,
Dying slow when we all attack.
How it feels to be the broken?
You took a piece now I'm biting back.
Enemies clawing at my eyes,
I scratch and bleed, just to stay alive, yeah!
The zombies come out at night,
They'll never catch me,
They'll never catch me.

Light it up, light it up, now I'm burning,
Feel the rush, feel the rush of adrenaline,
We are young, we are strong, we will rise
‘Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight!
To the floor, to the floor, hit the red line,
Flying high, flying high at the speed of light,
Full of love, full of light, full of fight
‘Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight!

Deep down, for the count, don't you dare cut me out,
Never break, never bow,
Never beg, not a doubt.
The zombies come out at night,
They'll never catch me,
They'll never catch me.

Light it up, light it up, now I'm burning,
Feel the rush, feel the rush of adrenaline,
We are young, we are strong, we will rise
‘Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight!
To the floor, to the floor, hit the red line,
Flying high, flying high at the speed of light,
Full of love, full of light, full of fight
‘Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight!

Dead tonight.
Back from the dead tonight.
Dead tonight.
Back from the dead tonight.

9. Salvation


All alone lost in this abyss
Crawling in the dark
Nothing to wet my longing lips
And I wonder where You are

Are You far?
Will You come to my rescue?
Am I left to die?
But I can't give up on You

I feel You keeping me alive
You are my salvation!
Touch You, taste You, feel You here
Oh, woah, yeah eh yeah

I feel You keeping me alive
You are my salvation!
Hold me, heal me, keep me near
Oh, woah, yeah eh yeah

My heart will burn for You
It's all I can do!

(You're keeping me alive!)
(You're keeping me)
(You're keeping me alive!)

Been out from under who I am
And who I want to be
Held you tightly in my hands
Why are we unraveling

Was it me?
Will You come to my rescue?
Or did I push too far
When I turned my back on You?

I feel You keeping me alive
You are my salvation
Touch You, taste You, feel You here
Oh, woah, yeah eh yeah

I feel You keeping me alive
You are my salvation
Hold me, heal me, keep me near
Oh, woah, yeah eh yeah

My heart will burn for You
It's all I can do

(You're keeping me alive!)

Touch You, taste You
Feel You, need You
(Give it all, just to find You)
Hold me, heal me
I will find You!

Keeping me alive
You are my salvation
Touch You, taste You, feel You here
Oh, woah, yeah eh yeah

I will never die
You are my salvation
Hold me, heal me, keep me near
Oh, woah, yeah eh yeah

My heart will burn for You
It's all I can do

(Touch You, taste You)
(Feel You, need You)

10. Battle Cry


Таки видос со словами

11. What I Believe


Я устал фигачить слова, поэтому дальше будут просто видосы с текстом, да.

12. Feel Invincible

13. Burn It Down

14. The Resistance

15. Undefeated

16. Famous

17. Saviours of the World

18. I Want to Live

19. Falling Inside the Black

20. Forsaken

21. Live Free Or Let Me Die

22. Reberthing

23. Comatose


I hate feeling like this
I'm so tired of trying to fight this
I'm asleep and all I dream of
Is waking to you
Tell me what you will listen
Your touch is what I'm missing
And the more I hide I realize
I'm slowly losing you

I'll never wake up without an overdose
Of you!

I don't wanna live
I don't wanna breathe
'Less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
Waking up to you never felt so real
I don't wanna sleep
I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
Waking up to you never felt so real

I hate living without you
Dead wrong to ever doubt you
But my demons lay in waiting
Tempting me away
Oh, how I adore you
Oh, how I thirst for you
Oh, how I need you

I'll never wake up without an overdose
Of you!

I don't wanna live
I don't wanna breathe
'Less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
Waking up to you never felt so real
I don't wanna sleep
I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
Waking up to you never felt so real

Breathing life
Waking up
My eyes open up

I'll never wake up without an overdose
Of you!

I don't wanna live
I don't wanna breathe
'Less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
Waking up to you never felt so real
I don't wanna sleep
I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
Waking up to you never felt so real

Oh, how I adore you
Waking up to you never felt so real
Oh, how I thirst for you
Waking up to you never felt so real
Oh, how I adore you
Oh... The way you make me feel
Waking up to you never felt so real

Fall Out Boy

1. Immortals

2. Irresistible

3. Novocaine

4. Centuries

5. Light 'Em Up

6. Alone Together

7. Jet Pack Blues

8. The Kids Aren't Alright

9. Fourth of July

10. This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

11. Uma Thurman

12. Young and Menace

Imagine Dragons

1. Believer

2. Warriors

3. Monster

4. Bleeding Out

5. Demons

6. Whatever It Takes

7. Roots

8. I'm So Sorry

9. Battle Cry

10. Gold

11. Shots

12. I Bet My Life

тут текстов даже не надо
и да, именно отсюда я образ перса на словеску и спер

1. Saturnz Barz

2. Clint Eastwood

3. Feel Good Inc.

4. Dirty Harry

5. On Melancholy Hill

6. El Mañana

7. Dare

8. Rock The House (ржу с этого клипа)

9. Rhinstone Eyes

10. Plastic Beach

11. Ghost Train

12. Strobelite

13. Submission

14. Sex Murder Party

15. She's My Collar

16. Tomorrow Comes Today

17. Broken

18. Crystalized

Three Days Grace

1. Never Too Late

2. Animal I Have Become

3. Get Out Alive

4. Over and Over

5. Give Me a Reason

6. Human Race

7. I Am Machine

8. Painkiller

9. I Hate Everything About You

10. Riot

11. Misery Loves My Company

Linkin Park

1. Numb

2. In The End

3. What I've Done

4. New Devide

5. Castle Of Glass

6. Lost In The Echo

7. From The Inside

8. One Step Closer

9. Crawling

Our Last Night

1. Same Old War

2. Sunrise

3. Home

4. Blank Space

5. Dark Horse

6. Toxic

7. Common Ground

8. Diamonds

9. Scared Of Change

Отдельные песни

1. Powerwolf - Army of the night


Stand up for the night and call the five
Let your wine 'come wild before the light
Here we come: the army of the night
Mater Maria !

Lined up side by side and bound to break
Send to die and fight the final day
Army of the night we came to stay
Mater Maria!

Whether you break before the night is falling
then call on the heaven sent – Amen!
Follow the night as your messiah calling,
Bring on the sacrament - Amen!

Come on the other side into the dark we hide
Better than for the right – Sacristarum
We are the force alive into the war we ride – Hallelujah!

Stand up for the night and call the five
Let your wine 'come wild before the light
Here we come: the army of the night
Mater Maria !

Lined up side by side and bound to break
Send to die and fight the final day
Army of the night we came to stay
Mater Maria!

Venom is falling with the serpent's spoken
Taken by higher end – Amen!
Hallow the martyrs when the bible's broken
Suffer the testament – Amen!

Come on the other side into the dark we hide
Better than for the right – Sacristarum
We are the force alive into the war we ride – Hallelujah!

Stand up for the night and call the five
Let your wine 'come wild before the light
Here we come: the army of the night
Mater Maria !

Lined up side by side and bound to break
Send to die and fight the final day
Army of the night we came to stay
Mater Maria!

Stand up for the night and call the five
Let your wine 'come wild before the light
Here we come: the army of the night
Mater Maria !

Sanctify the night for all the time
break the grail and raise the holy wine
Army of the night don't walk the line
Mater Maria !

2. Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit


Load up on guns and bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, how low? [3x]
Hello, hello, hello!

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Yay! [3x]

I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, how low? [3x]
Hello, hello, hello!

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Yay! [3x]

And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it's hard to find
Oh well, whatever, never mind

Hello, hello, hello, how low? [3x]
Hello, hello, hello!

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido

A denial !! [9x]

3. Ashes Remain - On My Own

4. 30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War

5. 30 Seconds To Mars - Northern Lights

6. System Of A Down - Science

7. System Of a Down - Attack

8. Panic! At The Disco - Nicotine

9. Panic! At the Disco - Emperor's New Clothes

10. Panic! At The Disco - Casual Affair

11. Devour The Day - You And Not Me

12. O.TORVALD - Time

13. Beartooth - In Between

14. 55 Escape - Forever

15. My Darkest Days - Still Worth Fighting For

16. Awaken the Giant - I Fooled You

17. Dead By April - Losing You

18. Nine Lashes - Lights We Burn

19. Metallica - Die, Die My Darling

20. Downplay - Hated You From Hello

21. My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade

22. My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay

23. Set It Off - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

24. Set It Off - Kill The Lights

25. Set It Off - Nightmare

26. Set It Off - I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

27. My Chemical Romance - The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You

146 песен, чтоб я сдох.

Когда начинался этот эпизод я был мелким и слушал вскую попсу, ибо "так было модно". Мне очень стыдно за те песни в его начале, сорянте.

Отредактировано Нэн'ира (2017-06-04 16:41:31)




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